Reconnect Program

Early intervention to youth homelessness or Connections with home & school

Navigating towards better outcomes

Reconnect works alongside young people aged 12-18 years to address issues affecting their ability to remain at home and, where appropriate, offers support to their families, caregivers and friends.

We can assist young people with:

  • Improving relationships with friends, family and significant others
  • Improving living situations or finding accommodation
  • Income support
  • Navigating education and employment
  • Training
  • Accessing specialist services

We offer a confidential and voluntary service, free of charge to young people and families. Support may be individual, family, group or project based and is located in the inner-north Brisbane region.

Advocacy Image

We offer:

  • Information and referrals
  • Advocacy
  • Counselling
  • Practical skill development
  • Group work
  • Health and wellbeing support

We are committed to working with people from diverse communities, including LGBTIQ+, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities, and people from other cultural backgrounds. We can also arrange interpreters if required.

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If you would like further information, or how to contact the Community Connections team, regarding Groups, please click the button below.

Community connections TEAM INFO


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