
Building Community & Networks


Fostering Collaborative Partnerships for Greater Community Impact


We have maintained strong formal relationships with three of the organisations we have sponsored, such as:

  • Independent Youth Housing Organisation (IYHG Pty Ltd): This special not-for-profit company functions as a housing co-op set up and managed by its members – people with an intellectual disability. The Community Living Program participants started it in 1989 as a way to address housing affordability challenges. Currently, the company owns 11 properties and has 15 members. For more information, feel free to reach out to us at (07)3266 5633 or check out our SERVICES & SUPPORTS page.

  • Nundah Community Enterprises Co-operative (NCEC Pty Ltd): NCEC was started by 15 individuals with intellectual disabilities who were long-term unemployed. They pioneered the concept and practice of ‘social tendering’ by negotiating with the Brisbane City Council and today, they manage the upkeep of 30 parks and open spaces across northeast Brisbane. They also provide employment through the successful Espresso Train Café & Catering venture in Nundah. Learn more about NCEC’s story –  NCEC Case Study, or visit their WEBSITE.

  • WWILD – Sexual Violence Prevention Service: This service was started by a group of CLA’s female constituents, known as the WILD Women’s group. To learn more about WWILD, feel free to visit their WEBSITE

Cla Logo
Ncec Logo
Wwild Logo


Brisbane Emergency Response Outreach Service (BEROS) is a consortium with Micah Projects, feel free to visit their WEBSITE

Michah Projects Logo
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