Community Partnerships & Work

Delivering Change, Transforming Lives

Community Partnerships & Work Information

4012 Forum Network


An interagency for services operating in Nundah with a view to working together to respond to emerging issues in our community.


Monthly meetings at Northside Connect. The current focus is responding to unhoused people in the area.


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Alcohol & Drug Foundation


Brisbane North Schools-Community partnership to respond to and prevent Alcohol and Other Drugs harms for young people


A Community based seminar aimed to improve outcomes, safety and support for young people by equipping parents and caregivers with quality information, strategies and resources to support their young people.


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Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability (ASID) has a clearly stated mission; this statement of intent is reviewed each year by the Board, and it is from this mission statement that all activities of the society flow.ASID is a peak body in intellectual disability research in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Research gives us good evidence. Good evidence helps to make good policy and practice. Good policy and practice help people with intellectual disabilities to have good lives.



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Brisbane North Youth Alliance


Sustain collaborative relationships with services in north Brisbane to support young people 12-18 at risk of disengagement and homelessness through community-based outreach support.


- Development of the Youth Info Card since 2014- Collaborative partnerships between services.- Youth Week Events- Effective referral pathways- Joint PD opportunities


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Inner Urban Youth Interagency


Connect with a wide range of services that support young people in the Inner Urban area of Brisbane.


- Participate in interagency in the best interests of young people, including contribute to professional sharing and presentations, attend PD delivered by other members and resources sharing- Collaborative partnerships between services.- Effective referral pathways- Identify themes, needs and PD opportunities to sustain quality youth work practice across the sector.


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This is a unique not-for-profit company that operates as a housing co-operative that was set up and is run by its members: people with an intellectual disability. It was established by Community Living Program participants in 1989 to address housing affordability issues. The company currently has 11 properties and 15 members.



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Kedron State High School


Support students in the school at risk of disengagement to increase safety, wellbeing & connections


- Sustained fee for service partnership since 2017- Young people connected to support in community and at school to sustain enrolment and housing.


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Metro North/Moreton Bay Community of Practice


Quarterly meeting where NDIS Support Coordinators come together to discuss and reflect a case study that they have found challenging, receive updates, and seek clarification from a NDIA representative about the NDIS, receive information from service providers and potentially connect with NDIS participants.



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Micah Projects


BEROS Service - Support to young people in the care of Child Safety who are self-placing


Inter-agency collaboration and service delivery with the Department of Child Safety


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National Advocacy Collective


Supporting the Rights of Parents with Intellectual Disability.The National Advocacy Collective is a group of people across Australia who support the rights of parents with an intellectual disability.We know that there are lots of barriers for parents with an intellectual disability. We work together to change things and talk with governments to make positive change happen.The goal is to make sure the human rights of parents with an intellectual disability in Australia are recognised and that they have access to the support they need to achieve their parenting goals. We want governments to change systems so that they are fair and give parents the support they need.


The National Advocacy Collective is a policy and advocacy group. This means that the group might talk to governments, talk to the media, share information, or write submissions. The intention is to create change to improve the experiences and outcomes for parents with intellectual disability.


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