Our History

Compassion, Community, and Change

History of Community Living Association

CLA Favicon

The Community Living Program, affectionately known as CLP, came into existence in 1987 under the umbrella of the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service. Its mission from the start was to support young people with an intellectual/learning disability towards independence. The program initially operated out of the Taringa Rehabilitation Centre located in the western suburbs of Brisbane. However, within the same year, it moved to Spring Hill in inner Brisbane, marking its first step into a community-based setting.

Funding constraints prompted the establishment of a dedicated group of supporters known as Friends of CLP. They sought and successfully secured funds under the new Disability Services Act (1986). This funding was granted in 1989, and friends of CLP formally became the Community Living Program Inc. on the 23rd of June 1989. On 20th January 1995, as the program began to sponsor a range of additional projects, it underwent a name change to become the Community Living Association Inc. (CLA), and in 1998, the association relocated to its current base in Nundah.

Nowadays, CLA manages an array of programs, all aimed at offering support, fostering opportunities, and promoting independence for individuals with disabilities or young people at-risk. We work with families, young people at-risk, individuals with mental health issues, and people with cognitive disabilities.

Over the years, our programs have grown and evolved to accommodate the needs of our constituents and adapt to changes within the community. Alongside this, we also sponsor a variety affiliated organisations and community projects.

Our CLA community comprises of full-time and part-time staff, as well as a dedicated team of volunteers. We enthusiastically welcome and appreciate the interest of community members who wish to become involved in, and support, our ongoing work.

Home page image of Air Balloon Ship showing community spirit
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