Child Safety & Youth Justice Support

Flexible and Proactive Outreach

Inclusive support for AT-Risk Young people

ARROS provides holistic outreach support to young people with intellectual or cognitive disabilities who are at risk of homelessness. We have been working in this space for over a decade and have adapted our service provision to respond effectively to young people on the fringe.

ARROS outreach supports can be funded through Transition and Post Care Support funding, or through a young person’s NDIS plan.
Inclusive Support Image


  • Young people aged 15-25 years, who
    • Have a cognitive disability, and;
    • Are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and;
    • Live North of Brisbane River to Caboolture (including Moreton Region), and;
    • May or may not have an NDIS plan.

How we help

Our aim is to support people to find:

  • places to live
  • spaces to belong
  • roles that bring purpose
  • Inclusive and welcoming communities

There are five key elements to our approach that have proved effective in responding to the complex needs of this population.

  1. Pro-active outreach increases connection with young people who are transient, and/or experiencing dislocation due to crisis. For these young people, their disability can reduce their ability to navigate the complexities of their circumstances. Assertive and pro-active outreach is vital to establish and maintain relationships with this population.


  2. Skilled workers who can build and hold relationships with the young people. In our work we focus on the importance of meaningful relationships between workers and young people. We are committed to establishing relationships even though the young person may initially be non-responsive, hanging in through times of chaos and crisis, being non-judgmental, providing support in the face of challenging behaviours, seeing the strengths and gifts that young people possess, and supporting them to express those gifts. Our workers are supported by training and ongoing supervision.


  3. Flexibility is essential to provide support that is responsive to the stated and unstated needs of these young people. This involves shifting from supporting a young person with established plans to providing responsive support in a time of crisis.


  4. Willingness to engage with a young person’s networks is key in understanding what supports already exist and what people contribute to further risk. ARROS workers require the ability and commitment to work with these relationships, to hold and enhance those aspects that support the young person and to assist young people to promote safety in relationships that increase risk.

  5. Holistic responses that support young people to find somewhere safe to live, someone to call on, something meaningful to do and places to feel accepted. The work includes facilitating links and positive relationships with service providers and can involve undertaking advocacy on the person’s behalf to ensure they have access to services in health, housing and other systems.

Contact Us

If you would like further information, or how to contact the ARROS team, regarding Child Safety, and Youth Justice Suport, please click the button below.



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